Saturday, July 7, 2012

Open Book

Walking by faith has seemed to be what I have been doing for the last couple years daily.

Recently it has to my attention that  my integrity was attacked through social media platforms on face book from an ex partner and others, choosing not to come to me privately but to use this attack to bully what I stand for and who I am. When I found out the source it was really no surprise and also the reason why I released her as a business partner.  I will not get into the details of such things that have been construed by this source, except to say they are not true, people that talk about others without basis, are always guilty of something, maybe the same things or worse but I will not lower myself to such a low level and shall leave that to my competition. It is after all no real surprise for it is always those you try to help that end up doing the most ugly things to those that help them. The lies are a waste of my time and baseless.  There is a reason that I no longer have a partner in my business, a reason I choose not to work with this particular group of artists and vendor women. I have grounded my business and my family on integrity and faith and that will be how I continue as I move forward with my business. I will only surround myself and network with businesses and vendors who share the same goal of integrity.

The most important thing to me are my clients, not my competitors.  My clients are what matters to me and their individual satisfaction. My family is what matters to me, providing for my beautiful little boys.

I'm defending myself only by saying that from the beginning my clients have been satisfied. I have had my share of Bridezillas lol and one can't always make everyone 100% happy, but over all I have had the most amazing clients and have enjoyed working with them so very much. I only know of three clients in over 220 clients over the years who had any issues, which to me is a great success.What business can say that out of a couple hundred clients? Only three brides have not given full five star reviews. I'm human, not perfect, take responsibility for those reviews or issues, and would question any business person that had A+ across the board. I love my clients, I have always been there for them and will continue to put them first.

Have I been hurt through this? Absolutely, to a level I did not dream could happen!!! But, I still love these people and don't wish them ill...Mostly, I feel sorry for those who need to draw attention to themselves by slandering and bullying me.................. Construing one lie after the next lie, then finding others to gang up and become "a mean girls club". Their marketing ( " don't hire her, she's blah blah blah, I'm warning you...blah blah....hire me...pick me pick me....over here" ). That is not the way to do business. I think that their behavior in these actions, shows people the very truth,  it is a direct reflection of how these people treat others, and tells their real character and why I refuse to work with them. This intern, has caused much anger toward me personally hence the attacks.

So my truth is here, I am an open book. You want answers to any questions you have?? I will meet you, most gladly, meet  you for a cup of coffee , I am open......moving forward, staying positive, and putting my clients and family first. At least at this point in my life I know who I can trust, work with, and be close friends with.

Yours Truly  and Blessings,


  1. I feel blessed to work with you and admire your talents and integrity. Good things come to those who are honest, respectful and work hard.

    1. Thank you. I am excited for the HUGE projects that God has blessed me with this year and future ones. Whenever one progresses in life, there is always someone to try and steal your joy

  2. Waiting for your response after seeing the attack on face book. Faythe you always handle things with such grace and poise. I am not sure I would have responded with such tact. It has been an honor having you work with my brides, you are always professional, on time, and communicate so well with them. I look froward to the next weddings.

    1. Thank you very much!!! I have enjoyed working with your brides and look forward to working with you again this month. Tact isn't always what how I feel like responding but its the right way

  3. I will never work with any of the girls on that post. I am so sick of the drama in this industry in Jacksonville. Time after time I have heard other makeup artists talk about you at weddings ( which is so unprofessional) Even when I approached you about it, you said you didn't do gossip and wouldn't go into any details. I respect you for that and the way you are handling this. You are such a strong woman!!!!

  4. Did you really destroy property and bite someone? Really?!!?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. HAHA NO I have never destroyed property and bit someone.

      Once again these girls have twisted the truth to their own sick version. My ex husband had a dog that I was walking and he bit another dog who approached us with no leash on. It is on my record I filed the report........I'm no Mike this gives me a good laugh. I'm actually finding this amusing.

  5. I have worked with Faythe on over a dozen weddings in the last couple years and all my brides have loved her and her team. My brides have said they have never felt so beautiful. Keep your chin up Faythe!

    1. Thank you! Ive enjoyed working with you and seeing the amazing images you've captured

  6. Why is it that none of your commenters have pictures or confirmed profiles? Who is "Karen" that sends you brides? Who is "Christine" that works in the Jacksonville wedding industry? Seriously? You can't be serious. I give this post all of 5 minutes before you delete it.

  7. " Anonymous" thank you for your comment. By commenting you have validated the comments above that you question. You posted as "anonymous" and yet you are a real person?? no?? that is how you chose to post in the drop box of selections and options it gives you when leaving a comment. You commented but chose not to use your "confirmed profile"? lol I appreciate your support in following my blog so closely!!! and hope you continue to enjoy my daily inspirational journal entries.

  8. Faythe, Wow I am so sorry for all that you have to deal with I will put you and your family on our prayer list. I pray the new moms teach their children about compassion, kindness and show there is no place for hurting others. To Anonymous maybe the others did not put any pictures is they may not want to go through what Faythe has gone through. Faythe you know who you are and you have your faith God will bless you. As a single mother at one time, with two boys, I know the struggles you are dealing with but keep loving those boys as you are, and having those special moments with them because it really does pay off. I have two amazing sons who love their mom so very much and guess what...I was not a perfect mother and I made some mistakes but now when we get together we just laugh about it. Good Luck Faythe and may God Bless you and your family. I would put my picture on here but I am not sure how to... My name is Tammy Lynch and I am a real person...LOL

  9. Thank you Tammy!!! Relationships and family are what matter in life. Ive been very blessed and focus on the positive things in my life. Having internet friends like you and your supporting words means a lot.
